Integrity cooperation service first
development and innovation

Integrity cooperation service first
development and innovation

Integrity cooperation service first
development and innovation


The main products of the company are cotton, rayon, tencel, modal, etc.


Ningbo Feili Textile Co., Ltd.

Tea, commonly known as tea, generally includes the leaves and buds of the tea tree. [1] Also known as tea, 槚 (jiǎ), Ming, chuǎn (chuǎn). [2] Tea ingredients include catechins, cholestenone, caffeine, inositol, folic acid, and pantothenic acid, which are good for health. Tea beverages made from tea leaves are one of the three major beverages in the world.
Tea originated in China, and tea was first used as a sacrifice. However, it has been used as a vegetable food from the late Spring and Autumn Period, and developed into medicinal use in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, and then developed into the court high-end beverage in the late Western Han Dynasty. Popularization of the folks as an ordinary beverage was after the Western Jin Dynasty.

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Address: 5rd Jinshi Street, Shiling Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China